
The was a problem converting the source image.

There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: media/k2/galleries/72

Mistrovské violoncello Jan Kužel

Nové mistrovské violoncello Jan Kužel, model Guarneri.

Další informace

  • Cena [Kč]: 250.000,-
  • Cena [EUR]: 9.260,-

Galerie Obrázků



Jan Kužel, mistr houslař

Čajkovského 39

616 00 Brno

tel: +420 549 242 482, +420 604 793 195


Otevřeno: Po–Pá 8–12 a 13–16

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